Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 8 - Daily Results

Although Harris went for a small run, he put 0.4 lbs back on. Let's hope that it was just water-weight.

Leo maintains his phisique.

Larry miraculously loses 1.2 lbs from his All-carb dinner diet.

Food: bread, chocolate milk, chicken sandwich, edamame, steak, vegies, ramen
Activity: Watching TV
Overall Weight Lost: 1.4 lb

Food: salads and breakfast wraps
Activity: 30 minutes in weight room, 30 minutes on the bike
Overall Weight Lost: 1.8 lbs

Food: salad, pasta, pizza, ice cream, chicken parm, chicken wrap, potato salad
Activity: 20 minute job
Overall Weight Lost: 2.4 lbs

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